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Dark Path Healing was created as a safe space for anyone looking to heal from your past and find a deeper connection within yourself and the universe.

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is intergrating the shadow self is with our concious mind through accepting the parts of ourselves we tend to hide from, due to the negative emotions associated with them. Shadow work covers everything from inner child healing to breaking generational patterns.

Who can benefit from shadow work?

Any one looking to release old limiting belief systems, past traumas, or learn to love themselve more completely can benefit from shadow work. Intergrating the shadow self with the conscious self will help those on their spiritual journey by healing the more reactive and emotional inner child.

What is Shadow Work Coaching?

Shadow work coaching is designed to assist you in uncovering the root of your shadow work and release old beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your highest self. As an intuitive shadow work coach I connect with you energetically to uncover the roots of your shadow work and connect with your spirit team to guide you through the process of healing and letting go.

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